Legislazione sul benessere degli animali

Legislazione sul benessere degli animali – Commissione Europea
4 Settembre 2023 jgiitalia

Da giovane, Jane Goodall ha cambiato la ricerca trattando gli animali  ‐  come
questo scimpanzé chiamato Freud  ‐  come persone. Derek Bryceson/National
Geographic Creative

La Commissione europea ha accettato di aggiornare la legislazione sul benessere degli animali e una bozza è già pronta. Tuttavia, gli interessi del settore agroalimentare si sono opposti e hanno inviato a Ursula Von der Leyen, presidente della Commissione, una lettera con 1.000 firme in cui si chiede di accantonare le modifiche richieste per tutelare adeguatamente il benessere animale. L’Eurogroup for Animal Welfare ha risposto con una lettera firmata dalla dottoressa Jane Goodall a e numerosi altri accademici, imprenditori ed agricoltori, … lettera che riportiamo nella sua interezza qui in basso.

Jane Goodall e il Jane Goodall Institute hanno a cuore il progresso dell’Unione Europea sui temi del benessere animale, il tempo è maturo per una responsabilità civile nei confronti degli animali usati per il nostro sostentamento.


Ursula von der Leyen
European Commission
Rue de la Loi 200 / Wetstraat 200
1049 Bruxelles


Brussels, 10 September 2023


Ref. Open letter: Call for publication of updated animal welfare legislative proposal within current political term.

 Dear President,

We, the undersigned stakeholders, jointly call on the European Commission to stay true to the commitments taken in the EU Farm to Fork Strategy to publish the draft proposal of the revision of the animal welfare legislation during the current political term.

As the revision of the animal welfare legislation moves towards its due publication date in Q3 of 2023, the undersigned stakeholders wish to express their expectation and full support for the swift publication of a future-focussed and comprehensive legislative proposal within this political term.

The current animal welfare legislation is outdated and in need of an urgent update to respond to societal expectations and scientific evidence, both of which have evolved dramatically while EU animal welfare rules have largely remained unchanged.

  1. The existing legislation does not adequately serve the demonstrated concerns of European citizens.The revision of the animal welfare legislation is a key priority for EU citizens, as demonstrated by the exceptionally high participation in the 2022 public consultation organised by the European Commission around the fitness check of the outdated rules. An overwhelming majority (92% – 54 504 of 59 281) of the respondents thought that the current EU animal welfare legislation does not ensure adequate and uniform protection of all animal species in need. The importance of animal welfare to EU citizens is also demonstrated by the fact that five of the ten successful European Citizens’ Initiatives were related to animal welfare.
  2. The existing legislation does not reflect current scientific knowledge and therefore cannot guarantee acceptable levels of animal welfare.Over 181,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers on animal welfare have been published in the last 25 years. In light of the advancements in scientific knowledge and technology, the existing directives and regulations can be readily deemed outdated and insufficient in protecting the welfare of animals in Europe. The latest European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) opinions also show that, at present, animal welfare legislation is no longer fit for purpose. Furthermore, EFSA has also highlighted the need for clearly defined, measurable and harmonised on-farm animal welfare indicators and concluded that improvement would be difficult to achieve without these guidelines. Protections to the welfare of animals throughout the production chain (from birth to slaughter) contain critical areas of collective concern that can no longer be overlooked. The existing legislation has also proven difficult for Member States to enforce, with the recent report by the European Court of Auditors drawing attention to this critical gap.
  3. Delay in the release of updated animal welfare legislation will cost European farmers and food businesses.
    A revised EU animal welfare legislation will not only benefit the animals. It will also offer a level playing field for businesses across Europe, particularly the ones that have already made animal welfare commitments.

    At this moment, market forces, environmental considerations and outdated infrastructure are forcing farmers to make decisions on their next round of investments in renovating their farms. The systems selected for adoption will have an enormous impact on animal welfare for decades to come. A revised animal welfare legislation will provide guidance and security needed to make decisions that are fit for the purpose of higher welfare, but also fit for the future of businesses. Such revised legislation will also constitute a financial guarantee when it comes to getting loans for higher welfare investments, as well as better financing opportunities. Furthermore, provided that the new animal welfare rules apply to imported products, EU farmers will benefit from fair competition when placing products in the European market.

Finally, a stronger and updated animal welfare legislative framework will complement the EU Farm to Fork strategy in its aims to make the European food system fair, healthy and more sustainable. Improving animal welfare standards is an important component of this endeavour, while also representing the expressed environmental, societal, ethical and economic interests of European citizens, businesses and governments alike.

For these reasons we, the undersigned stakeholders, deem it necessary that an updated, strong and encompassing proposal of the EU Animal Welfare Legislation is published swiftly by the current European Commission.


As animal welfare academics, researchers, veterinarians and scientists, we believe that, in accordance with current scientific knowledge, the current legislation is insufficient to protect the welfare of animals. As such, we urge the swift publication of a future-focussed and comprehensive legislative proposal within this political term.

Dr. Jane Goodall
Dr. Nancy De Briyne, Executive Director, Federation of Veterinarians Europe
Prof. Bo Algers, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Prof. Per Jensen, Linköping University
Prof. Frank Tuyttens, UGent
Prof. Becky Whay, University of Galway
Prof. Cathy Dwyer, Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh
Prof. T. Bas Rodenburg, Utrecht University
Dr. Franck Peron
Dr. Laura Hänninen, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr. Jeremy Marchant, A World of Good Initiative Inc
Prof. Patrick Pageat, EAD EBEA- SEVAB – INP TOULOUSE (France)
Prof. Vlatko Ilieski, University Ss Cyril and Methodius Skopje
Prof. Anna Valros, University of Helsinki
Dr. E Anne McBride, University of Southampton
Dr. Thierry Bedossa, Veterinarian, Founder and Association President, Animal Behaviorist and Trainer
Dr. Loïc Dombreval, Veterinary Doctor & President of the National Council for Animal Protection
Dr. Irene Camerlink, Polish Academy of Sciences
Dr. Cecilie Kobek-Kjeldager, Aarhus University
Dr. Machteld van Dierendonck, Veterinary faculty Ghent University
Dr. Lynne Sneddon, University of Gothenburg
Prof. Christel Moons, Ethology and Animal Welfare Research Group, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University
Dr. Benjamin Lecorps, Bristol Veterinary School, University of Bristol
Dr. HA van de Weerd, Animal Welfare Consultant, Cerebrus
Dr. Helena Chaloupková, Czech University of Life Science Prague
Dr. Stefan Gunnarsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Assoc. Prof. Margareta Stéen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Johan Lindsjö DVM, Dip ECAWBM-AWSEL, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Elien Verniers, Postdoctoral Researcher Animal & Law, Ghent University
Dr. Marthe Kiley-Worthington B Sc D Phil M Phil FLS, Centre for Eco Etho Research & Education
Prof. Michela Minero, University of Milan
Dr. Stephanie Lürzel, Vetmeduni Vienna
Dr. Annika Lange, Deutscher Tierschutzbund
Dr. Barbara Padalino, University of Bologna
Dr. Steve Cooke, University of Leicester
Dr. Andre Menache, ECAWBM, MRCVS
Prof. Christine Leeb, University of Natural Resourcs and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
Prof. Franco Manti, University of Genova
Dr. Victoria Marincheva, University of Forestry Sofia
Dr. Manuel Magalhães Sant’Ana, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon
Dr. Elisa Aaltola, Department of Philosophy, Contemporary History and Public Policy, University of Turku, Finland
Dr. Silvia Zanini, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Annalisa Di Mauro, EtApp Laboratorio per le Etiche Applicate -Università di Genova
Dr. Michelle Sinclair, Stanford University
Dr. Maya Mathur, Stanford University
Prof. Abdelkareem Abdallah, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Prof. Craig Johnson, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Tāwharau Ora, Massey University
Prof. Culum Brown, Macquarie University
Dr. Bidda Jones, University of Sydney
Dr. Jed Goodfellow, Policy Director, Australian Alliance for Animals
Dr. Thuy TT Huynh
Cristina Luz Wilkins (PhD candidate), The University of New England
Dr. Garet Lahvis
Prof. Becca Franks, New York University
Wasseem Emam, Ethical Seafood Research
Prof. Georgette Leah Burns
Dr. Jonathan Balcombe
Alina Schaffer MSc
Cynthia De Wilde
Dr. Catalina Lopez Salazar DVM, Director of the Aquatic Animal Alliance
Kelly Rediger, VIVES University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Lara Simons DVM, Bio & Technology, VIVES
Prof. Marta Brscic
Dr. Arnold Stael, Coordinator Animal Welfare Centre VIVES
Prof. Chiara Mariti
Dr. Anne Quain
Dr. Iyasere Oluwaseun
Dr. Marlene K. Kirchner
Prof. Gonçalo da Graça Pereira
Dr. Isabel Luño Muniesa
Dr. Nick Bell
Giulia Malerbi
Dr. Karen von Holleben, BSIi Schwarzenbek, Training and Consultancy Institut for Animal Welfare at Transport and Slaughter
Shreya Padukone, Animal Law Centre
Ina Müller-Arnke MSc.
Dr. Kati Tuomola
Dr. Tiina Kauppinen, The Finnish Centre for Animal Welfare
Dr. Saara Kupsala, Animal Welfare Ombudsman
Prof. Johannes Baumgartner, Vetmeduni Vienna
Dr. Satu Raussi, Finnish Centre for Animal Welfare
Dr. Helen Lambert, Animal Welfare Consultancy
Dr. Joe Wills, University of Leicester
Prof. Angus Nurse, Anglia Ruskin University
Dr. Lorella Notari
Prof. Diana Cerini
Dr. Koen Margodt
Dr. Madayo Kahle, Fondation Salvia
Prof. Dr. Farah Focquaert, Ghent University
Sabrina Brando, AnimalConcepts, PhD Researcher University of Stirling
Dr. Jolanda Meeuwissen, psychologist, Netherlands
Roy Borghouts, photographer, Netherlands
Jada Bruccoleri, Attorney-at-law specialized in animal (welfare) rights, Belgium
Kara Vliegen, chief inspector of police, Belgium
Dr. Hilde Vervaecke, Odisee University of Applied Sciences, Belgium
Dr. Ismail (Izzy) Hirji, DVM, Veterinary Consultant
Robert Ingersoll
Sarah Wertkin, Anthrozoology, volunteer @ Jane Goodall Institute Global
Melody Horrill, Author & Journalist
Dr Y Beck, veterinarian and President of Planete-Vie

As farmers and food businesses, we require the security that our investments for the future will deliver on our welfare commitments and mandates. As such, we urge the swift publication of a future-focussed and comprehensive legislative proposal within this political term.

Fabrizio Fabbri, Euro Coop
Pia Voltz, Tälist
Ruud Zanders
Eduardo Cuoco, IFOAM Organics Europe
B. Beekhof, Nederlandse Voedingsindustrie Gezelschapsdieren
Clara Behr, Biodynamic Federation Demeter International

As non-profit organisations who represent the interests of citizens, we believe that the current legislation is insufficient to meet the expectations of the public for safe and healthy food from animals with high welfare. As such, we urge the swift publication of a future-focussed and comprehensive legislative proposal within this political term.

David Sánchez Carpio, Federación de Consumidores y Usuarios CECU
Julia Kondrashova,
Catharina Rubel, Aktion Agrar
Tobias Troll, Seas at Risk
Anna Spurek, Green REV Institute
Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development
Marianna Norring, Eläinsuojeluasiamies
Petya Altimirska
Galitt Kenan, Jane Goodall Institute France
Federico Bogdanowicz, director of the Jane Goodall Institute Spain
Dr. Itai Roffman, Jane Goodall Institute Israel
Max Stern Yezreel Valley College
Prince Hussain Aga Khan, Focused
Linda Cloots, VZW Fonds Carlos Aertsens Belgium
Iris Caluwaerts, principle secondary school Sancta Maria Leuven Belgium
Aslıhan Niksarlı (PhD candidate), Jane Goodall Institute, Root & Shoots Türkiye
Robert Eden, Jane Goodall Institute France
Lorenz Knauer, President, The Jane Goodall Institute Germany
Diana Leizinger, Executive Director, Jane Goodall Institute Austria.